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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Basic concept of object oriented programming c++

2.class abstraction encapulation 
7.dynamic binding
8.message passing
1.object :- 
object are basic run time antities. eg- a table a person ,a place ,a bankaccount . 
The object required  a memory space to store in memory because object space contain data one object required a memory space to store in memory because object contain data one object may commiuncate another object by sending or receiving message to one another.
eg- bankaccounter 
we can say that real life entity in real world.

 we just mainstion that object contain data and code two manupalate that data.
The entire set of data and code of an object can be made a user define datatype with the help of class infact object are variable of type class.
one a class has define we can create any number of object belonging to the class 
eg- mango,apple,orange are member of class fruit.
classes are user define datatype and behave like building datatype. abstraction :- 
data abstraction refer to act of represeentating the ensical feature without including background detals. on explaning classes use the concept of abstraction 
eg- following are different list of abstract attibutes, size ,weight , cost etc
and function operates on this attributes called as data member and function called as member function 

4. data encapulation :- 
rapping of  the data and function into a single units is  called data encapulation .
eg - CPU
dataencapulation is most striking feature of the class.
The data is not accientable to the outside world .
The data is acciable to only function which are rapped in the class .

5.inheritance :-
inheritance is the process by which object of one class aqurired the properties of object of another class . 
inheritance is the hirachical classfication 
i)single inheritance 
ii)multiple inheritance
iii)haricical inheritance 
iv)multilevel inheritance
v)hybrid inheritance


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